The Life of Me a Writer

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Magical Happenings- Again

Time for your next excerpt!  Onto a preview of the 2nd chapter.

Magical Happenings- Again
166 A.D.

Come on Trick! Get up and play!” Gabrielle said encouragingly to her dog, Trick. Trick hasn't been wanting to play for a week now. That's very unlike him. He's usually so playful, but Trick was getting old and Gabrielle knew it. It's not everyday you see a 12 year old Saluki. Gabrielle was trying everything to get Trick up and nothing was working, but Gabrielle was still trying. She picked up a good throwing stick and waved it around Trick hoping he would jump up and grab it playingly, but that was not what happened. Instead a jet of blue light came out of the stick hitting Trick in the stomache. Gabrielle was stunned, but not at the jet of blue lightas much as what Trick did; he started jumping around wagging his tail as if nothing was wrong, just asking to play. Gabrielle looked at the stick then to her dog, wondering what just happened. Could that blue light have possibly made Trick younger? Gabrielle thought. That's impossible though! I didn't think of anyting that had to do with magic. Anyways that wouldn't explain why light came out of the stick! Maybe since my hands weren't free the magic decided to take a different direction-through the stick. I don't have magic though! All this is just to confusing! I need to ask someone what happened before my head explodes! But who? Not my mom she'd freak if she heard I did magic accidently again, she'd just yell at me like she did last time. Wait last time! This has happened before! That's right, I was five and somehow I made a stick float. Well now I have a little more information to tell whoever I tell, but that also means I have a problem if this has happened twice how am I to be sur it doesn't happen again? Who can deal with that and still be nice? Dad! He loves the works of sorcerers and sorceresses. He would be a sorcerer if it wasn't for mum hating magic.

Dad!” Gabrielle yelled with a hint of urgency in her voice.
Yes, Gabrielle?” Duron said stepping outside. When he got a good look around him he noticed something amazing- Trick was standing up and wagging his tail as if nothing was wrong. Duron went to give the big guy a nice warm cuddly hug. He had thought that Trick was nearing his end, but that was not what he was seeing here. He exclaimed
Gabrielle, Tricks standing up! How'd you do it?”   

Post if you liked it!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Excerpt Time!

Okay, here's the beginning of my first chapter in "The First Wizard"!

11 years ago today
150 A.D.

Fetch Trick!” a girl with long, wavy, brown hair, blue eyes, and around the age four yells. This little four year old appears to be someone special who goes by the name, Gabrielle Estrelle. She didn't believe it when she blinked and right in front of her was a floating stick. She could of sworn she threw it!
Woah! What makes it do that?” Gabrielle asks amazed at what she just saw. At just that moment Gabrielle's thin, blonde hair as thin and straight as grass, narrow eyed mum came to check on Gabrielle and see what she was doing.
Child what are you doing!” Adel exclaimed. Adel not being big on sorcerers and sorceresses, would never teach her child such a thing.
I don't know I threw the stick for Trick and it just- floated!” Gabrielle said shocked at how her mum was handling this when she was usually so calm.
Well lets see what your father has to say about that. Duron!” Adel screamed on the top of her lungs, not caring if one of the neighbors next door screamed at them later. This was a life or death situation to her.
Yes, honey?” Adel's husband and Gabrielle's father,Duron, said. Duron was a tall, brown haired, and curious brown eyed man, and was the last person you would think Adel would marry. He was always nice, as Adel had a few cruel touches. Plus, the biggest one of all he didn't know what he would do with himself if he never knew what magic was. Adel knew Duron once practiced sorcery, but she saw past it, because he was handsome and rich just the things she liked in a man. She just told herself everyday that at least he didn't do it anymore. Duron stopped doing magic when he started going with her, and never begun ever since.
Duron, our daughter is practicing the works of a sorceress. What do you have to say about that?” Adel asked expecting a shock of surprise and a big scolding to Gabrielle. Although she should have known better, for Duron would never scold Gabrielle for using magic, he'd just stay out of it.
I have nothing to say on the matter.” Duron said, secretly feeling extremely proud, but trying his best not to show it.

If you liked it, please post and tell me!  Sadly, it's not finished yet, but if you would like a FREE copy when finished. I can email it to you if you win the contest about making a new cover.  This new cover needs to fit my theme.  This is a third of the full chapter.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The First Wizard: Summary

Hey readers!   Just wanted to tell you what my recent story I'm working on is about.   It's called "The First Wizard".  When you think wizard you may think of Harry Potter (P.S. favorite book).  That is sort of my inspiration, but it doesn't involve the same set up.  "The First Wizard" is about a girl, Gabrielle Estrelle, who finds she has some sort of power at age 5.  These powers are assumed to have something to do with sorcery which is around in this era.  She needs help and she asks her father, the lover of magic.  She has to stay hush, hush to her mother though, who doesn't like anything to do with magic.  If it sounds interesting please say so, if you have an idea please say so!  Plus I need a cover, so if you are good at making covers (websites I find do a terrible job) I will give you some of my ideas and main points that may make a good cover.  If I like the job you do I will email you the complete story for free when finished.  Just comment if you feel interested!


Hi!  I am Katielyn!  I am a writer who loves pets and fantasy.  I currently have another blog called Mydivapets where you can learn how to train your pet.  On here I will tell you about stories I'm making, give you excerpts of stories in progress, post short stories, and I will tell you about my crazy life as I have around 30 pets.  I am also a figure skater.