The Life of Me a Writer

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What Am I

Time for a preview!

What am I

Tell me everything that happened, Gabrielle.” Duron said growing excited. He loved the arts of sorcerers, but he knew he couldn't even talk about it with Adel. Even is Gabrielle was a sorceress he knew he couldn't influence her to practice more, but that doesn't mean he wasn't going to help her.
I was waving a stick around Trick trying to get him to stand up and play; when out of the wand shot a burst of blue light. It hit Trick right in the stomach and a few seconds later he was up on his feet and wagging his tail wanting to play. I really think that stick made Trick younger, but that's impossible right?”
I can see what you mean when you say you think it has something to do with when you were five. By any chance did you say anything?”
Nope, just words of encouragement to get Trick to stand up.”
Well, you must have said something in the words you said, because I need you to remember that it's impossible to do magic without a wand and whatever you did sounds like sorcery to me.”
Well, if it is sorcery what should I do to keep myself from using it uncontrollably?” Gabrielle asked.
Well, it's obvious right you need to ask a sorcerer.  Shouldn't a sorceress talk to a sorcerer? It fits pretty well to me.” Duron told her. Gabrielle couldn't believe her ears. Was she just told to talk to a sorcerer?
Mom would never allow such a thing.”
What about me I'm your dad shouldn't I have a say in what you can and cannot do, but if it's going to be a problem for you I can tell Adel that you went to the village to buy grain; when you really just went to talk to a sorcerer or sorceress.” Duron explained.
What if she finds out?” Gabrielle questioned.
She won't I'll make sure of it.” Duron said mischievously.
Well then what are you going to do?”
I'll make her lunch. She'll have to stay to make sure I don't burn the house down with my brilliant cooking skills.” Duron said sarcastically.
Alright, but who do I ask?”
Well there's Faustus.”  

Did you like it?  If so please tell me!  Don't forget, we still need a book cover!  Enter to win a free copy of "The First Wizard" when finished!  All you have to do is make a cover!  I'll email you details if you post below.

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