The Life of Me a Writer

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hello Again

Here you go guys!

The man walks smoothly across the yard and out the white garden gate and then suddenly turns to face Gabrielle.
What is my name?” the man asks Gabrielle. Gabrielle couldn't help but be confused; how would she know his name?
What is my name?” the man repeats.
I- I don't know!” Gabrille stutters. The man just stares her in the eye. She stared blankly into his eyes, but Duron didn't hesitate a moment before his eyes had a new sparkle to them.
It couldn't be! I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. Is my old friend actually here?” Duron looks like he might explode with happiness.
Goodness girl you need to look more closely! Your dad noticed me quicker than you did!” Septimus says scornfully towards Gabrielle.
Duron, how long has it been?” Septimus says as he slaps Gabrielle's father on the back.
Long enough, Septimus, my pal.” Duron says. Gabrielle was still suspicious if it really was Septimus, but then the spell was starting to wear off and he started to look like the Septimus she knew.
We have a bit of catching up to do, but before we have a nice chat we have some more pressing matters on our hands. You see, Trick's missing. Well, he's stolen.” Duron absorbs Septimus's words and then slowly turns his head to look at Gabrielle and then gives his attention back to Septimus.
Yes, stolen. I've been looking for him all day and he's gone. Although, I happened to find something very interesting.” At that Septimus points upwards. Straight above them was a giant eagle; it was the same eagle Gabrielle had seen earlier. Why would this eagle be hovering above them?
I saw that eagle earlier today!” she exclaims.
Can I guess that it was above the forest?” Septimus asks.
How did you know?”
I know, because it has been following me since we found the note.” After Septimus says that Duron jumps in surprise.
It can't be The Tracker by any chance can it?” Duron asks with an eagerness that was surprising.
I believe that is exactly the spell someone is using. Which

confuses me, because that means there is another sorcerer that knows of Gabrielle.”

Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Can I enter in your contest? I'm fairly good at art. I would LOVE the first copy of your book. I will email you a photo of my artwork, if that is okay. I can't post pictures you know! Do I do the artwork on the computer or hand drawn? Please respond soon!

  2. Email me the pictures. I don't like posting my email on public places. The drawing can be either one. Make it wonderful! Hint, hint, you have a great chance at winning!
